You'll need the core code. This includes sample data files (except those further below)
and has instructions for installation and testing.
Elevation data, 5 min resolution (etopo5 from National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency), requires at least az_proj v1.1 beta12. Data includes grdsquares AA-RR and some continents (africa, australia, europe, japan, n_america).
Paul N1BWT ( - Jul 2002, all tiac addresses are forwarded to earthlink, which gives a "page not found" error) has installed az_proj and lived to write about it. Paul found that AZ_PROJ doesn't work with GSWIN or GSVIEW. AZ_PROJ is not supposed to work with these programs - you need a postscript output device (e.g. ghostscript).
If you are going to generate output on non-postscript
devices (X11, inkjet printers, dos/wintel, bmp, pdf, png),
you will need
Ghostscript .
You can convert the output of the contest logging program CT (your worked grid squares),
to AZ_PROJ format. You will need the utility awk for your operating system.
Awk (==mawk) for DOS is available here.
GridSquare Calculator tclet
Jan 2011: There isn't a plugin for Firefox.
I should have written it in Java.