The FT920 Resource Page
Last update: Monday, 10-Mar-2014 15:33:41 UTC

September 20, 2003

The sound card spectrum analyzer software site has moved: http://www.visualizationsoftware.com/gram.html. It's now shareware and costs $45, but compare that to the cost of hardware... Thinking of buying an FT920? Now is the time... They can be had for as little as $1049 (shipped). Tell 'em that WM7D sent you.

September 16, 2003

Wow, it's been a LONG time since I last updated this journal. Seems that they are called BLOGS now.

It's been nearly one year since I accepted the job in Nevada, and packed up the station. I'm just now (10 months after tearing it down) starting to setup a station again. I've setup a few antennae and unpacked all the radios. I'm also working on finding help to erect the tower. If nothing else, I'll run the FT920 with the R5 and Butternut verticals until spring. That will get me on the air, and allow me to participate in sweepstakes (my favorite contest).

Working with N7ROJ last week, I have tweaked the radio to work with the new Heil Proset Plus that I purchased just before taking everything apart.

My FT920 is working perfectly and has for the better part of the past four years. The filter kits have really made the radio a joy to operate. MANY thanks to George at International Radio for the kits and filters.

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