
Yaesu Amateur Radio Products

Yaesu's Owner's Resource page

This page is collection of information about my Yaesu radios. Obviously I am rather fond of Yaesu's equipment, and I hope to be able to provide some information about them here.

This page is a work in progress, and hopefully will provide information and resources to other Yaesu owners. --Mark (WM7D)

Last update:
Friday, 12-Dec-2014 17:50:56 UTC


(06/15/2014) - FTdx5000 comments are here. Last upated 06/15/2014


(10/06/2010) - Really don't like the mic that is provided with the FT-450. Fortunately, the MH31 works. I like it much better. No issues with the 450... Amanda seems to like it too.

(06/26/2010) - Got an FT-450 for my daughter and to be a backup 12v radio. She got on the air for Field Day with it today, and made a few contacts.

First impression... SMALL, but neat little radio.


(10/01/2010) - Replaced my aging FT-100 with an FT-857D. So far, so good. Wanted to have a radio to put in the truck for my annual hunting trip. It works well with the ATAS-100 I have.

The only real complaint I have so far, is the shape of the control head. When mounted with another radio (the FTM-350R), the spacing between the control heads is either too much, or too little. When mounted the way I want it, it's nearly impossible to work the top side buttons on the FT-857D control head. But it appears that the remote mic solves that issue. A few days operating with the remote mic will give me a better idea.

VL-1000 Quadra

(06/26/2009) - My Quadra has arrived. All connections to the FT-2000D have been made, and the ALC adjusted. 1040W on 6m is pretty cool.


(06/23/2010) - Yaesu has released firmware updates to the FTM-350r for the enduser. That's great, but you will also need the ADMS cable for programming.

(12/18/2009) - The FTM-350R has been type accepted today. Most places are pricing it at about $600.



A cool little 2M 50W mobile radio.


(06/23/2010) - Got one. I like it... sure wish Yaseu would follow thru with the update program for the VX-8R!


(10/01/2010) - My VX-8R is now a VX-8DR. The upgrade went well, and now I don't have to deal with the programming software with the issues of two differing VX-8 radios.

(12/22/2009) - The VX-8DR is coming... more APRS features... including smartbeaconing. Looks like the VX-8R can be upgraded by sending it in to Yaesu. Cost is supposed to be $60.

(08/05/2009) - Got the VX-8R today. Nice HT. Can't wait to spend a little time with it and figure out the nits.


Got two of these little radios. I really like the locking control knob. Great radio, and a lot of fun.


The VX-1Rs brother. This one adds a little more power, and a few more features in a package only SLIGHTLY larger than the VX-1R.

(10/17/2003) - My VX2R has arrived, and I think I like it more than the VX-1R. I took it apart to see how it's made, and I'm pretty impressed. It's amazing that they can pack so much into a package so small. And, it can be had for $119 (after the $50 rebate).


A fun little (and I mean little) low power HT. Used frequently when out with friends.
WM7D dot Net - © Copyright 2025 , Mark A. Downing
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