The FT920 Resource Page

From NA6DF - 21 December 2003

Just received a second hand '920 from a buddy, and am really enjoying it a lot! Came with narrow CW filter, AM filter & FM board. I will upgrade the filters with the INRAD products soon, but overall I am happy with this radio. I am using a Heil Goldline PRO broadcast/studio mic fed through a 600 ohm 1:1 transformer (bal to unbal) into the "patch" input on the back panel of the radio. I have the internal TX DSP setting on "4" (I think), the wideband "broadcast audio" setting. All of my usual 75 meter buddies tell me that it sounds very good, much better than the stock hand mic, anyway....

I saw some comments about output power. I did notice that the power meter on the 920 is *not* peak reading.(or at least doesn't react fast enough) I have an external peak reading Palstar SWR/Wattmeter that shows the true "peak" output, and it is as specified, even though the 920's meter shows lower output on SSB...

Just a few thoughts, thanks for the great web site, I appreciate your efforts providing all the info and user comments!

73 & Merry Christmas,

Dave Fortenberry, ARS NA6DF CE Salem Communications, Sacramento

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