Last update:
Monday, 10-Mar-2014 15:33:41 UTC
Thoughts and observations from WM7D on the FT920
07/02/2001 - I received an email recently asking about the lack of updates. To put it bluntly, I simply don't have anything to add right now. My radio has been working perfectly for the past two years. During that period of time, I purchased a house, had a second child, and have been working my ass off. So I really haven't been on the radio much. I also picked up an FT817 to go with my FT100. All my Yaesu rigs are working fine. Any thoughts or questions... feel free to email me.
My FT920 has been a great radio. The journal talks about some of the problems I have experienced (some real, some not so real), and basically reflects my thoughts about the radio. Some of the problems in my journal are due to operator malfunction.
- I have written a summary of my thoughts, as someone pointed out that my journal seems to discuss more problems and solutions than
what I really like about the FT920.
- Journal entries:
- The entire journal. Warning: This is very large.